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- Manipur Crises
Support persecuted Christians in Manipur, India, facing violence and discrimination. Your contribution can make a difference in providing aid, relief, and hope. Stand with us in solidarity. Manipur Crises Donate today Donate Help Provide Relief The region of Manipur India has become a battleground where a conflict, which initially spanned three months, has now escalated into a near civil war between two distinct religious communities. The deep religious divide has led to a distressing situation where believers are being coerced to abandon their faith in Jesus. Faced with imminent danger, many are fleeing their homes in search of safety. Tragically, the toll of this crisis includes the loss of 130 lives, with a staggering 60,000 individuals, including men, women, and vulnerable children, left displaced. Adding to the devastation, more than 250 places of worship, among them 65 of our own, have been subjected to vandalism and destruction. In light of these dire circumstances, we have initiated emergency relief efforts to provide assistance to the victims, irrespective of their social status, beliefs, or faith. As we navigate through this critical juncture, we earnestly appeal for your partnership in extending a helping hand to those who are undergoing immense suffering. Can we count on your support to aid us in furnishing essential relief, such as nourishing sustenance and vital supplies, to those caught in the midst of this turmoil? A modest contribution of $25 can ensure a food packet that sustains an entire family, while $50 has the potential to provide sustenance for two families. Your generosity in this time of utmost need can serve as a beacon of hope for those grappling with the aftermath of violence and displacement. Together, we can alleviate the suffering of the affected families and begin the process of rebuilding lives torn apart by this devastating conflict. Current prayer Requests Please pray for an immediate end to the violence and ask for wisdom for the authorities working to bring back peace. Kindly remember to pray for safety and support for pastors, missionaries, and believers during this challenging time. Take a moment to pray for the families seeking refuge in camps; imagine their hardships and ask for God's help for these fellow brothers and sisters. Pray for the believers to have courage and to remain strong in their faith despite the difficulties they face. Offer prayers of comfort for the victims and those who are grieving the loss of their loved ones. Pray for those causing harm to have a personal encounter with Christ and experience a change of heart.
- Care For Elderly | Hope For The World
Partner with us to provide compassionate and professional care for the elderly in India. Join our mission to enhance the quality of life for seniors by offering comprehensive support services, including medical care, companionship, and assistance with daily activities. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of older adults and ensure they receive the respect, dignity, and attention they deserve. Bringing Hope To The Mistreated Elderly Through God's Love In the heart of India, a silent but profound tragedy unfolds daily as elderly individuals find themselves abandoned by their families. Whether due to financial strains or familial discord, many elders are left to navigate their twilight years alone, without the love and support they deserve. It's a heartbreaking reality that we, as a community, cannot ignore. For years, our organization has been a beacon of hope for these forgotten souls. We've welcomed them into our elderly home, providing not just shelter but also a sense of belonging and care. Some have spent more than two decades under our roof, finding solace and, in some cases, discovering the love of Jesus Christ. Currently, we extend our hands to 25 elderly individuals, but the need is far greater. There are countless others longing for a safe haven, waiting for someone to offer a helping hand. It costs approximately $60 per month to support one elder, covering their basic needs such as food, shelter, medication, and clothing. With your support, we can expand our capacity to serve even more. Our goal is to accommodate up to 100 individuals, requiring a monthly commitment of $6000. We receive hundreds of applications each month, each one a heartbreaking plea for assistance. Sadly, our financial resources are limited, and we are unable to fulfill every request. But with your help, we can change that. Today, we humbly ask you to consider joining us in this noble endeavor. Your generosity has the power to transform lives, offering hope where there was once despair. Please pray about how you can be a blessing to these elderly individuals who desperately need our help. We also urge you to share this message with others who may be interested in partnering with us. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who have been forgotten and overlooked. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrew - 13:6 DONATE NOW
- Landing Page | Hope For The World
Pray For Nations Discover How to Pray Powerfully for the Nations and Transform Lives for Christ Contact information First name* Last name Email* Address Phone Additional information Submit Why Download This eBook? In this free resource, you will learn: Specific prayers for different nations struggling with poverty, war, or natural disasters. How to pray for global leaders and governments to bring about peace and justice. Prayers that will transform hearts and open doors for the Gospel in closed countries. How to be a part of a global movement of prayer warriors committed to making a difference. What You'll Gain: Deepen your spiritual connection by aligning your prayers with God’s heart for the nations. Make an eternal impact by lifting up the needs of people who need hope and healing. Become a partner in global missions through intercession and prayer, reaching places your feet may never go. Why This Matters? At Hope for the World International, we believe in the power of prayer to change lives, transform nations, and advance the Kingdom of God. Through this eBook, we invite you to join hands with us in praying for the people and nations who are still waiting to hear the message of Christ’s love. We are committed to reaching the most vulnerable and unreached places with the love of Jesus Christ. Your prayers are a powerful tool in this mission. By downloading this e-book, you are partnering with us in bringing hope and transformation to nations in need. Our Mission:
- Support For Widows | Hope For The World
Join us in making a meaningful difference in the lives of widows through support, resources, and community. Discover ways to uplift and provide hope for widows in their journey towards healing and renewal. Änkor: Indiens Osynliga kvinnor Clothes distribution to poor tribal widows Christmas gifts to widows Christmas Gifts to widows Clothes distribution to poor tribal widows 1/4 www.htwi.org In many parts of India when a woman’s husband dies, the only thing that made her an honorable woman is gone. And it is the widow who carries blame and shame because of this. In her time of need, she is often declared cursed and is rejected by her neighbors, community, and even her own family. She now bears the sole responsibility of providing for any children she may have. Many other mothers find themselves suddenly alone as well, but not because of death. A husband may vanish without warning because he’s discontent with the family’s financial condition or with his wife. Now she’s left in poverty to care for their children alone. Currently, these women are typically daily wage laborers the very group hit hardest by the government shutdown recently instituted to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. Already struggling to feed their families with their meager earnings, they were suddenly unable to work. Sårbar Änkor är ofta offer för fattigdom, utfrysning och förnedring, och de kan vara sårbara för övergrepp. Littlee Support Många får lite hjälp av släktingar när de tar hand om sina barn. Självmord som en utväg För dem som inte kan stå ut med änkans skam kan självmord tyckas vara den enda utvägen. Hopplöshet Gatutiggeri, svåra arbetsjobb eller prostitution kan bli en livsstil. HOPE Help heal Du kan lyfta bördan av att skada kvinnor. Genom gåvor till HOPE Ministries Widows och Abandoned Children kan du förse dessa kvinnor med påtagliga förnödenheter när de möter mycket desperata situationer. Som HOPP arbetare hjälper dessa kvinnor och deras barn, de kan dela med dem om Kristus och visa hans kärlek genom den uppmärksamhet och ära de ger de sårade och hopplösa. Engångspresent till änkan: En gångsgåva på 290 USD kan ge oss möjlighet att köpa en symaskin till en änka och välsigna henne med tre månaders symaskinsutbildning, genom vilken hon kan generera inkomster till sin familj och bli självförsörjande. Månadsstöd: En månadspresent på $20 kan hjälpa en änka eller änkling att försörja sig själv. "Jag har utvalt dig och har inte kastat dig bort: Frukta inte, ty jag är med dig; Var inte förskräckt, ty jag är din Gud. Jag ska stärka dig, Ja, jag ska hjälpa dig, Jag ska stödja dig med min rättfärdiga högra hand." Jesaja 41:9–10 Ge ett ljus till änkans liv
- Donate
Support the less fortunate by making a donation to help the poor and needy. Your contribution can make a meaningful difference in their lives. Join us in creating positive change today Donate anchor Hope For The World International is a faith-based organization operated and sustained by contributions received by generous people. Through the years many faithful sponsors have partnered with us in prayer and in support. And we hope and pray you will too! Giving monthly or annually is the most powerful way to donate! Wire Transfer Giving You can give online using a credit card or electronic check. If you cannot give online and would like to wire transfer a donation from your bank account, please email us and we would be glad to assist you. Email us: info@htwi.org Mail your Gifts or Checks to HOPE FOR THE WORLD INTERNATIONAL 4101 S 205th E Ave Broken Arrow, OK, 74014, USA Email: info@htwi.org Phone: +1 626-620-1054 Accounts are strictly maintained, with records, according to the designated purpose. Audits are timely completed and submitted to the State and Federal Government for their assessment approval.
- Church Connections | Hope For The World
Discover how Connect Churches are joining hands with us to fulfill our mission of transforming lives and spreading hope. Explore the impactful partnership that's making a difference in communities through shared values and meaningful actions. Connect your Church to Hope For the World Intl Together we can reach hurting people with physical relief and the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ Hope For the World International connects churches in the United States with churches across the globe as they seek to share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and fulfill the Great Commission. We want local churches to know how God is working both here and among the nations and then present them with opportunities to get involved. We invite your church to prayerfully consider supporting us as we help a hurting world in Jesus’ Name. Please pray for Hope's projects that seek to help poor and hurting people in the Name of Jesus. Pray that these projects will be a platform to build relationships and to introduce people to Jesus Christ. Pray GIVE We know your church's gift to Hope For The world International represents a trusted investment from the congregation. We believe that our donors deserve to see how their funds are impacting the work of the Lord in transforming lives and communities. You will receive a brief report of how your funds are being spent to transform lives for the glory of God. Let’s Work Together Get in touch so we can start working together. First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!
- Donate a Fresh Waterwell
Join us in making a life-changing impact by donating towards fresh water wells in Jesus' name. Your contribution brings clean and essential water to communities in need, embodying the spirit of compassion and generosity. Transform lives today through the power of your donation. Ge rent vatten för en hel by Walking Miles to get pot of water Water struggles New Water well HOPE Water well Thank you Jesus for water well Villagers are so happy to receive the gift of water well Walking Miles to get pot of water Water struggles 1/4 www.htwi.org Jesus vattenbrunnar ger vatten, genombrott och återlösning HOPEs rentvattenministerium levererar säkert, sjukdomsfritt vatten till familjer över hela Indien genom Jesus Wells. Varje Jesusbrunn ger rent dricksvatten till cirka 300 personer till en kostnad av mindre än $5 per person för upp till två decenniers leverans. Att hitta vatten som inte kommer att orsaka dödsfall eller sjukdom i familjen är en utmaning som många människor i Asien står inför. Många kvinnor och barn tvingas gå timmar och mil varje dag till avlägsna vattenkällor, som dammar eller sjöar, och även då kan vattnet vara förorenat. Ibland vet de att detta kan leda till död och sjukdom till deras familjer, men de har inget annat val. Men Herren använder Jesus Wells. Vattnet erbjuds fritt till alla, oavsett deras religiösa eller sociala bakgrund. Att tillhandahålla rent vatten är ett praktiskt sätt att visa människor hur mycket Gud älskar och bryr sig om dem, och Jesus Wells kan öppna dörren för människor att se Kristi kärlek och barmhärtighet. Att ge en vattenbrunn till byn skulle kosta cirka $1200 This year, our goal is to drill at least 100 water wells to provide FRESH and CLEAN water to more than 30,000 people. Join your hands with us as we strive to end the freshwater crises. Donera nu Färskvatten
- About Us
Learn about our mission, impact, and unwavering commitment to creating positive change. Explore how we're making a difference in the lives of those in need through compassion, dedication, and community collaboration Vilka vi är: Hope Social Service Society (HSSS) är en indisk organisation som grundats av Anand Paul Tangellapalli. HSSS hjälper och förändrar livet för barn, familjer och samhällen från extrem fattigdom till en bättre framtid. HSSS står som en effektiv hjälpande hand för att hjälpa föräldralösa och behövande barn med övergripande utveckling; hjälpa änkor och änklingar; tillgodose behoven hos fattiga och behövande barn, hjälpa samhällen med anläggningar för rent vatten genom att borra vattenbrunnar i de fattigare och på landsbygden; tillhandahålla gratis medicinsk hjälp, stödja infödda missionärer och församlingsplanteringsarbete. HSSS hjälper för närvarande cirka 750 fattiga och behövande barn med mat, kläder och sjukvård och övergripande utveckling. Hjälper också människor vid tidpunkten för naturkatastrofer, anläggningar för rent vatten på landsbygden, hem för äldre, änkevård och medicinsk hjälp. HSSS är aktivt med att stå med infödda missionärer och plantera kyrkor.
- February Updates | Hope For The World
Dear friends! Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I hope this message finds you and your families in good health and peace. Since returning from India, I have been recovering from the flu, which has been quite prevalent in the Tulsa area. Thankfully, I am feeling much better now. I arrived back home on the 2nd and have been adjusting to the weather and time zone differences. Though my trip was short, it was an incredibly powerful and transformative experience. A Fruitful Mission Trip Recently in India, I (T.A.Paul) was blessed with the opportunity to preach to over 5,000 people across various settings, including church gatherings, mega meetings, Sunday services, and home fellowships. It was truly humbling to see the hunger for God’s Word and the impact the ministry is having on so many lives. I also had the special privilege of naming a newborn baby, whom I named Michael. It was a truly joyful and heartwarming experience. Being among our brothers and sisters in Christ was incredibly uplifting, as I was able to encourage them to remain strong in their faith. During our missionary gathering, our missionary brothers shared powerful testimonies of how the Lord is moving in their ministries. It was an inspiring time of mutual encouragement, as they uplifted one another in the Lord. Some of the testimonies I heard were profoundly moving and deeply inspiring. While I wish I could share all of them with you here, due to space constraints, I will provide only a brief update for now. However, we are working on compiling these stories and will be publishing them on our website soon. Once they are ready, I will be sure to share them with you. It is truly heartbreaking to hear about the persecution our missionary brothers are enduring, yet at the same time, it is incredibly joyful and encouraging to witness how the work of the Lord continues to prevail despite these challenges. The unwavering faith and dedication of these missionaries serve as a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness. Current Ministry Projects & Prayer Requests As I return with a renewed burden for the people of India, I want to share some of the ongoing projects that need our prayers and support: Church Construction Projects – We are currently in the process of constructing two churches in rural areas. However, we still need resources to complete these buildings. Please pray for the necessary provisions so these congregations can have a dedicated place to worship. Medical Camps & Outreach – Our medical outreach has been an incredible tool for both meeting people’s physical needs and opening their hearts to the Gospel. These medical camps serve between 300 and 400 people at a time, often covering multiple villages simultaneously. Many of these villagers have no access to medical care and cannot afford to travel long distances to see a doctor or buy medicine. Currently, over 45 villages are waiting for medical aid. Each camp, serving approximately 250 people, costs between $5,000 and $7,500 to organize. We are praying for individuals or companies that might be willing to support at least one or two medical camps per month. If you or someone you know is interested in helping to fund a camp, it would be an incredible blessing to those in need and an opportunity for us to share the love of Christ in a tangible way. 3. Caring for Widows, Elderly, Orphans, and Missionary Families – I had the privilege of visiting the widows, Elderly individuals, orphaned children, and native missionary families supported by our ministry. They were overjoyed to receive gifts and encouragement. Many of them expressed their gratitude and sent warm greetings to all of you. A Testimony of God’s Protection I also want to share a personal testimony of God’s protection during my journey home. While transiting through Frankfurt, Germany, on my way back to the U.S., our flight to Chicago, which was supposed to be a nine-hour journey, encountered unexpected technical difficulties. After five hours in the air, the pilot announced that we had to turn back to Frankfurt. At the same time, news broke of a plane crash in Washington, D.C., which caused widespread concern among passengers. With little information provided, there was a palpable sense of fear onboard. As we made our way back to Frankfurt, the pilot had to release a significant amount of fuel over the ocean before landing. This unexpected delay resulted in a 12-hour setback, requiring me to stay overnight in Chicago before finally catching a flight home to Tulsa. Despite the challenges, I am incredibly grateful for God’s protection over my journey. This experience was a reminder that, no matter the circumstances, He is always in control. Thank You & Looking Ahead I want to take a moment to sincerely thank you for your continued prayers, encouragement, and generous support. Your partnership allows us to reach more people with the Gospel and provide for those in desperate need. Please keep these ministry projects in your prayers, and if the Lord puts it on your heart to support a medical camp or a church project, I would love to discuss how you can be involved. May God bless you abundantly as you continue to serve Him. With gratitude and prayers, Anand Paul Hope for the World International Thank you for your prayers and support! Your partnership makes it possible for us to share the Gospel with the unreached while meeting critical physical needs through medical camps, orphanages, elderly care homes, native missionaries, and humanitarian efforts. We sincerely ask you to consider giving monthly, enabling us to expand this vital work and bring hope to those in need. Your generosity can make a lasting impact. Thank you for your support! Give