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Utveckla gemenskaper genom att rädda familjer från fattigdom och ge Kristi kärlek

Hope Social Service Society tror att investerande familjer är att investera gemenskaper. Vi ger hopp till familjerna i fattiga byar att hjälpa till att bryta fattigdomens cirkel och dela Kristi kärlek.

Miljontals familjer över hela södra Asien har fastnat i fattigdomens cirkel. Ofta utan enkel tillgång till utbildning, sjukvård eller till och med pålitlig sysselsättning har dessa familjer lite hopp för framtiden. Detta lidande är inte bara förpassat till en familj utan existerar för hela samhällen.

Hope Social Service Society arbetar redan i många av dessa fattiga områden, identifierar specifika behov och välsignar familjer med saker som hjälper dem att bekämpa bördan av fattigdom. Att investera i dessa familjer gör samhällets tillväxt och utveckling möjlig.

Vilka är dessa presenter: 

Animals:  Animals are a main staple and source of income for middle class and poorer families. These include chickens, goats and water buffalo. Offspring from small animals can be sold while larger animals can be used for farm work such as plowing fields or pulling heavy carts.


Gifting these animals to a family may seem simple or trivial, but can actually provide income for many days or even years. The organization intends to open people's hearts and minds through their gifts, ultimately representing the humble gift that God gave us with His son Jesus.

1. Water Buffalo

Water buffalo.

Water buffalo are powerful animals often used to plow fields. They produce milk for drinking or selling, and their dung can be used as fuel for cooking.

pair of these animals can easily provide for entire family and has the opportunity to grow as reproduce. 

2. Goats 


Goats have the ability to rapidly improve a family's financial situation. For example, a goat farm may be created from the offspring of one pair of goats, providing meat and milk for sale. 

As the goat meat is delicacy in South East Asia, Goat skin, meat have high demand. A small goat herd can easily provide for entire family. 

To Buy a pair of Goats it only costs $450. 

You are not only buying them Goats but your help provides confidence and will create the opportunity to start a long lasting business, which will help entire family to escape from the poverty. 

Other Resources

Sewing Machine and training price: $459

Fishing Net: $50-250

Other tools individuals are able to use as a source of income are sewing machines and fishing nets. 


Community Facilities: School per 250 children, including a library: $125,000


Public Community Center: $30,000-$45,0000


Many rural areas do not have access to these types of facilities. HOPE has had the privilege of witnessing how a community's health and wellness have greatly improved with simply the installation of these educational buildings.


Please note: The exact price for each depends upon the area of the building.

These are not only gifts but also life changing tools, which can help them to escape from the poverty. Please consider donating one of the gifts above as God leads you to help our brothers and sisters to escape from the poverty. 


“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.”

Proverbs 19:17 (NIV)


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