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- Create a Fundraising Page | Hope For The World
Create Your Own Fundraising Page 3 simple steps to create your own fund raising page step -1 This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content. step-2 This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content. step-3 This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content. Step- 1 Set Up Your Fundraiser 1. Sign Up: If you don't have a GoFundMe account , visit the GoFundMe website and sign up for an account using your email or Facebook. 2. Start a Fundraiser: Once logged in, click on the "Start a GoFundMe" button. Select the "Nonprofit or Charity" category. 3. Enter Fundraiser Details: Fill in your nonprofit's name, location, and a brief description of your cause. Upload a compelling image or logo that represents your nonprofit's mission.
- Give HOPE to communities | Hope For The World International
Kehittää yhteisöjä pelastamalla perheitä köyhyydestä ja tuomalla Kristuksen rakkautta Toivon sosiaalipalveluyhteiskunta uskoo, että sijoittava perhe on sijoittavaa yhteisöä. Annamme toivoa köyhien kylien perheille auttaaksemme murtamaan köyhyyden kierteen ja jakamaan Kristuksen rakkautta. Miljoonat perheet Etelä-Aasiassa ovat juuttuneet köyhyyden kierteeseen. Näillä perheillä ei useinkaan ole helppoa saada koulutusta, sairaanhoitoa tai edes luotettavaa työpaikkaa, joten heillä ei ole juurikaan toivoa tulevaisuudesta. Tämä kärsimys ei ole vain siirretty yhdelle perheelle, vaan se koskee kokonaisia yhteisöjä. Hope Social Service Society palvelee jo monilla näillä köyhillä alueilla, tunnistaa erityistarpeita ja siunaa perheitä esineillä, jotka auttavat heitä torjumaan köyhyyden taakkaa. Näihin perheisiin sijoittaminen mahdollistaa yhteisön kasvun ja kehityksen. Mitä nämä lahjat ovat: Animals: Animals are a main staple and source of income for middle class and poorer families. These include chickens, goats and water buffalo. O ffspring from small animals can be sold while larger animals can be used for farm work such as plowing fields or pulling heavy carts. Gifting these animals to a family may seem simple or trivial, but can actually provide income for many days or even years. The organization intends to open people's hearts and minds through their gifts, ultimately representing the humble gift that God gave us with His son Jesus. 1. Water Buffalo Water buffalo are powerful animals often used to plow fields. They produce milk for drinking or selling, and their dung can be used as fuel for cooking. pair of these animals can easily provide for entire family and has the opportunity to grow as reproduce. Donate a Water Buffalo 2. Goats Goats have the ability to rapidly improve a family's financial situation. For example, a goat farm may be created from the offspring of one pair of goats, providing meat and milk for sale. As the goat meat is delicacy in South East Asia, Goat skin, meat have high demand. A small goat herd can easily provide for entire family. To Buy a pair of Goats it only costs $450. You are not only buying them Goats but your help provides confidence and will create the opportunity to start a long lasting business, which will help entire family to escape from the poverty. Donate Goats Other Resources Sewing Machine and training price: $459 Fishing Net: $50-250 Other tools individuals are able to use as a source of income are sewing machines and fishing nets. Community Facilities: School per 250 children, including a library: $125,000 Public Community Center: $30,000-$45,0000 Many rural areas do not have access to these types of facilities. HOPE has had the privilege of witnessing how a community's health and wellness have greatly improved with simply the installation of these educational buildings. Please note: The exact price for each depends upon the area of the building. These are not only gifts but also life changing tools, which can help them to escape from the poverty. Please consider donating one of the gifts above as God leads you to help our brothers and sisters to escape from the poverty. “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.” Proverbs 19:17 (NIV)
- Church Connections | Hope For The World
Connect your Church to Hope For the World Intl Together we can reach hurting people with physical relief and the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ Hope For the World International connects churches in the United States with churches across the globe as they seek to share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and fulfill the Great Commission. We want local churches to know how God is working both here and among the nations and then present them with opportunities to get involved. We invite your church to prayerfully consider supporting us as we help a hurting world in Jesus’ Name. Please pray for Hope's projects that seek to help poor and hurting people in the Name of Jesus. Pray that these projects will be a platform to build relationships and to introduce people to Jesus Christ. Pray GIVE We know your church's gift to Hope For The world International represents a trusted investment from the congregation. We believe that our donors deserve to see how their funds are impacting the work of the Lord in transforming lives and communities. You will receive a brief report of how your funds are being spent to transform lives for the glory of God. Let’s Work Together Get in touch so we can start working together. First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!
- Rebuild Lives | Hope For The World
About The Full Story A family newly embraced by the loving arms of Christ found themselves engulfed in a trial of fire, both literal and metaphorical. Just weeks ago, an unforeseen blaze sparked by an electric short circuit ravaged their humble abode, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake. Through divine grace, the couple emerged from the flames physically unscathed, yet their worldly possessions were devoured by the inferno's hungry embrace. Imagine, if you will, their only sanctuary, a modest mud hut they called home, reduced to rubble. Their beds, their cherished belongings, all consumed by the merciless tongues of fire. Now, they seek refuge within the walls of our sacred sanctuary, their spirits buoyed by the solace of fellowship, but their earthly needs remain unmet. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we stand at a crossroads of compassion and opportunity. The task before us is clear: to rebuild not just a house of bricks and mortar, but to rebuild shattered lives, to reignite hope where despair once reigned supreme. Our hearts are stirred with a divine calling to extend the hand of love and generosity to this beleaguered family. Together, we can provide more than mere shelter; we can restore dignity, comfort, and security. The cost of rebuilding their lives, both materially and spiritually, is estimated at $6000. Let us not shrink from this challenge, but embrace it with fervent prayer and unwavering faith. I implore you, beloved brethren, to heed the call of compassion echoing from the depths of our souls. Let us be vessels of God's boundless love, instruments of His divine grace. As we sow seeds of kindness, so shall we reap a harvest of blessings beyond measure. If the Spirit moves within you to lend a helping hand, to share in the joy of rebuilding lives in Jesus' name, I humbly invite you to contribute to this noble cause. And if your heart overflows with compassion, do not hesitate to spread the word among your friends and family, that they too may join in this sacred endeavor. Together, let us bear witness to the transformative power of love and solidarity. Let us rebuild not only homes, but hope. Let us be the hands and feet of Christ, guiding this precious family out of the ashes and into the light. May God bless our endeavors and magnify our generosity a hundredfold. Amen.
- Donate a Fresh Waterwell
Tarjoa puhdasta vettä koko kylään Walking Miles to get pot of water Water struggles New Water well HOPE Water well Thank you Jesus for water well Villagers are so happy to receive the gift of water well Walking Miles to get pot of water Water struggles 1/4 www.htwi.org Jeesuksen vesilähteet tuovat vettä, läpimurtoja ja lunastusta HOPEn puhtaan veden ministeriö toimittaa turvallista, taudista vapaata vettä perheille kaikkialla Intiassa Jesus Wellsin kautta. Jokainen Jesus Well tarjoaa puhdasta juomavettä noin 300 ihmiselle hintaan alle 5 dollaria henkilöä kohden jopa kahden vuosikymmenen ajan. Sellaisen veden löytäminen, joka ei aiheuta kuolemaa tai sairautta perheessä, on haaste monille Aasian ihmisille. Monet naiset ja lapset joutuvat kävelemään tuntikausia ja kilometrejä joka päivä kaukaisille vesilähteille, kuten lampille tai järville, ja silloinkin vesi voi olla saastunutta. Joskus he tietävät, että tämä saattaa aiheuttaa kuoleman ja sairauden heidän perheilleen, mutta heillä ei ole muuta vaihtoehtoa. Mutta Herra käyttää Jesus Wellsiä. Vettä tarjotaan kaikille vapaasti uskonnollisesta tai sosiaalisesta taustasta riippumatta. Turvallisen veden tarjoaminen on käytännöllinen tapa näyttää ihmisille, kuinka paljon Jumala rakastaa heitä ja välittää heistä, ja Jesus Wells voi avata ihmisille oven näkemään Kristuksen rakkauden ja armon. Kaivon lahjoittaminen kylään maksaisi noin 1200 dollaria In the year 2024, Our goal is to drill 100 water wells to provide FRESH and CLEAN water to more than 30,000 people. Join your hands with us as we strive to end the Freshwater crises. Lahjoita nyt raikasta vettä
- Manipur Crises
Manipur Crises Donate today Donate Help Provide Relief The region of Manipur India has become a battleground where a conflict, which initially spanned three months, has now escalated into a near civil war between two distinct religious communities. The deep religious divide has led to a distressing situation where believers are being coerced to abandon their faith in Jesus. Faced with imminent danger, many are fleeing their homes in search of safety. Tragically, the toll of this crisis includes the loss of 130 lives, with a staggering 60,000 individuals, including men, women, and vulnerable children, left displaced. Adding to the devastation, more than 250 places of worship, among them 65 of our own, have been subjected to vandalism and destruction. In light of these dire circumstances, we have initiated emergency relief efforts to provide assistance to the victims, irrespective of their social status, beliefs, or faith. As we navigate through this critical juncture, we earnestly appeal for your partnership in extending a helping hand to those who are undergoing immense suffering. Can we count on your support to aid us in furnishing essential relief, such as nourishing sustenance and vital supplies, to those caught in the midst of this turmoil? A modest contribution of $25 can ensure a food packet that sustains an entire family, while $50 has the potential to provide sustenance for two families. Your generosity in this time of utmost need can serve as a beacon of hope for those grappling with the aftermath of violence and displacement. Together, we can alleviate the suffering of the affected families and begin the process of rebuilding lives torn apart by this devastating conflict. Current prayer Requests Please pray for an immediate end to the violence and ask for wisdom for the authorities working to bring back peace. Kindly remember to pray for safety and support for pastors, missionaries, and believers during this challenging time. Take a moment to pray for the families seeking refuge in camps; imagine their hardships and ask for God's help for these fellow brothers and sisters. Pray for the believers to have courage and to remain strong in their faith despite the difficulties they face. Offer prayers of comfort for the victims and those who are grieving the loss of their loved ones. Pray for those causing harm to have a personal encounter with Christ and experience a change of heart.
- Story of Founder | Hope For The World
Hope Social Service Societyn perusti Anand Paul Tangellapalli perheineen. Kun hän oli 18-vuotiaana tekemässä itsemurhaa ja tappamaan itsensä, hän kohtasi voimakkaan Jumalan. Hän kävi kuusi tuntia voimakkaan keskustelun Jumalan kanssa. Noiden 6 tunnin aikana Hän selitti pyhiä kirjoituksia Pyhästä Raamatusta, selitti elämänsä tarkoitusta ja hänen olemassaolonsa tarkoitusta maan päällä. Hän puhui hänelle "Poika, olet syntynyt suurta tarkoitusta varten". Kuuden tunnin kuluttua oli noin ilta. Hän jätti hänet ovelleen ja katosi. Kun Paavali kääntyy kiittääkseen, hän ei nähnyt ketään. Hän oli järkyttynyt ja hämmentynyt. Ajattelen miestä ja kaikkia hänen keskustelujaan. Kun hän oli hämmentynyt ja muisteli kaikkea, mitä oli tapahtunut, ja ajatteli, onko tämä Jumala vai jonkinlainen Henki? Jos tämä on ystävällinen henki, miksi se selittää minulle pyhiä kirjoituksia ja antaa minulle tarkoituksen elämälleni? Hän tajusi pian, että se on ehdottomasti Jumala, ja hän polvistui ovensa eteen, hyväksyi Jeesuksen Kristuksen henkilökohtaiseksi Herrakseen ja Vapahtajakseen. Perustaja: TA Paul Jumalan kohtaamisen jälkeen hänen elämänsä alkoi vähitellen muuttua. Hän luovutti elämänsä täysin Jumalalle ja meni opiskelemaan teologisia opintoja. Suoritettuaan teologian kandidaatin tutkinnon hän alkoi palvella Herraa kaikella, mitä hänellä oli perheensä kanssa, sillä hänen vanhempansa olivat jo ministeriössä viimeiset 28 vuotta palvellen maaseudun kylissä ja köyhissä yhteisöissä levittääkseen Jeesuksen evankeliumia. Kristus. Kun hän palveli köyhiä, nälkäisiä ja puutteessa olevia, hänen sydämensä alkoi tuntea suurta taakkaa auttaa heitä. Kun hän alkoi ruokkia ja auttaa heitä päivittäin yhdessä vanhempiensa kanssa, hän alkoi nähdä monia ihmisiä tulevan hänen luokseen ja pyytävän häneltä apua. Hän ei koskaan sanonut ei. Kun hän alkoi rukoilla ja kysyä ohjeita Herralta, Herra avasi ovet aloittaakseen HSSS:n seisomaan tarvitsevien, köyhien kanssa. Tällä hetkellä HSSS auttaa yhteisössä. Ei vain auttaminen, vaan myös ihmisten elämän muuttaminen osoittamalla Kristuksen rakkautta.
- Care For Elderly | Hope For The World
Bringing Hope To Mistreated Elderly Through God's Love In the heart of India, a silent but profound tragedy unfolds daily as elderly individuals find themselves abandoned by their families. Whether due to financial strains or familial discord, many elders are left to navigate their twilight years alone, without the love and support they deserve. It's a heartbreaking reality that we, as a community, cannot ignore. For years, our organization has been a beacon of hope for these forgotten souls. We've welcomed them into our elderly home, providing not just shelter but also a sense of belonging and care. Some have spent more than two decades under our roof, finding solace and, in some cases, discovering the love of Jesus Christ. Currently, we extend our hands to 25 elderly individuals, but the need is far greater. There are countless others longing for a safe haven, waiting for someone to offer a helping hand. It costs approximately $60 per month to support one elder, covering their basic needs such as food, shelter, medication, and clothing. With your support, we can expand our capacity to serve even more. Our goal is to accommodate up to 100 individuals, requiring a monthly commitment of $6000. We receive hundreds of applications each month, each one a heartbreaking plea for assistance. Sadly, our financial resources are limited, and we are unable to fulfill every request. But with your help, we can change that. Today, we humbly ask you to consider joining us in this noble endeavor. Your generosity has the power to transform lives, offering hope where there was once despair. Please pray about how you can be a blessing to these elderly individuals who desperately need our help. We also urge you to share this message with others who may be interested in partnering with us. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who have been forgotten and overlooked. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrew - 13:6 DONATE NOW