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Bringing Hope To The Mistreated Elderly Through God's Love

In the heart of India, a silent but profound tragedy unfolds daily as elderly individuals find themselves abandoned by their families. Whether due to financial strains or familial discord, many elders are left to navigate their twilight years alone, without the love and support they deserve. It's a heartbreaking reality that we, as a community, cannot ignore.


For years, our organization has been a beacon of hope for these forgotten souls. We've welcomed them into our elderly home, providing not just shelter but also a sense of belonging and care. Some have spent more than two decades under our roof, finding solace and, in some cases, discovering the love of Jesus Christ.


Currently, we extend our hands to 25 elderly individuals, but the need is far greater. There are countless others longing for a safe haven, waiting for someone to offer a helping hand. It costs approximately $60 per month to support one elder, covering their basic needs such as food, shelter, medication, and clothing. With your support, we can expand our capacity to serve even more. Our goal is to accommodate up to 100 individuals, requiring a monthly commitment of $6000.


We receive hundreds of applications each month, each one a heartbreaking plea for assistance. Sadly, our financial resources are limited, and we are unable to fulfill every request. But with your help, we can change that.

Today, we humbly ask you to consider joining us in this noble endeavor. Your generosity has the power to transform lives, offering hope where there was once despair. Please pray about how you can be a blessing to these elderly individuals who desperately need our help.


We also urge you to share this message with others who may be interested in partnering with us. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who have been forgotten and overlooked.

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrew - 13:6 

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